Keto / Plant-based Milk Tea

The ingredients:

Tea – I use dried tea leaves from Alishan, Taiwan and Mountain Tea leaves that I only get from Bontoc, Mountain Province

Coco Sugar – I use 1 tbsp., as I don’t really like sweet drinks, but you can adjust

Almond Milk

1 tbsp Chia Seeds (serves as tapioca pearls)

Water for steeping the tea



  1. Get bored at home and crave for something sweet.
  2. Remind self about lessening sugar intake while rummaging through the pantry for something sweet.
  3. Find stuff you recently hoarded from when you decided to finally go plant-based (again, for the 5th time this year).
  4. Line up the ingredients you found above and decide you are making plant-based milk tea.
    Tea and Chia Seeds

5. Boil water for steeping the tea (I had to swirl them in a little hot water and throw that out to clean the leaves), find a water bottle and put 1 tbsp of chia seeds, and as much coco sugar as you like.

Coco Sugar Almond Milk

6. Once the tea is done steeping, pour into the water bottle and set aside to cool. Watch Queer Eye Japan while waiting.

7. Stir the sugar and chia seeds until nothing is stuck at the bottom.

8. Pour almond milk to the brim. Realise you poured too much and take a sip. Delicious.

9. Stop yourself from drinking everything and place the bottle inside the fridge to cool. Try to forget about it until the next day.


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