Lockdown Recipe #2: Roasted Random Veggies

Due to the lockdown, my diet has frequently changed, depending on which delivery service arrived and which food I was able to get after lining up for 4 hours in the grocery.

Take for example a couple of weeks ago, when I was forced to go vegan for two whole weeks because 1) My veggie basket was the only delivery that arrived; and 2) as I do not have a refrigerator, I had to quickly cook these perishable items. I haven’t had any kind of meat either, apart from the canned goods I got from the grocery – which I don’t really like. Not that I’m complaining, but I realised I can’t go completely vegan. I really need my white bread and my dairy.

Anyway, here’s my attempt at making a vegan dish.

Lockdown Recipe #2:
Roasted Random Veggies with Oats


  1. Check your supply and find out which vegetables are nearing the end of their life.
  2. Grab the saddest looking eggplant and carrot you can find. Feel sorry for how they have endured life up to that point. Then feel sorry for yourself because you have to eat them.
  3. Slice them into discs (I don’t know the proper slicing term for this. I just know julienne but I’m too lazy to do that). Try to arrange them artfully onto a greased (olive oil) baking pan. Realise they look even sadder now.
  4. Grab an onion, slice and mix that in. Season with salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper and cumin. viber_image_2020-04-15_10-27-12
  5. Roast for about 10 minutes at 250C. Take it out and feel even more sad for yourself.
  6. Top the ‘thing’ with canned tomatoes and rolled oats and place back in the oven to roast for 10 more minutes, or until the oats are toasted. viber_image_2020-04-15_10-27-20
  7. Take it out and let it cool for a bit. Take a bite. It’s not that bad, but it also is not your best recipe. Then say another prayer for this lockdown to be over. viber_image_2020-04-15_10-27-18

Pro tip: Do this if and only if you have no other choice. Or if you are vegan.

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